Where to Put a Desk in Bedroom? Full Guide

Desk In a Bedroom

Turning your bedroom into a spot where you can work and relax might seem tricky, especially if you don’t have a lot of room for a separate office. If you work from home, having a good spot to do your job is key to staying on track.

The dilemma of where to place a desk in your bedroom is a common one. If that’s the case, I will be your helping hand to enhance both productivity and comfort.

Setting up a work area in your bedroom doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little help and some smart ideas, you can make a cozy corner for your work without losing the comfort of your bedroom. In your bedroom, consider placing your desk in one of these ideal spots:

  1. By the Window for Natural Light
  2. Against the Wall to Save Space
  3. Near or Opposite the Bed for Easy Access
  4. In a Dedicated Corner for Focused Work
  5. Under a Loft Bed to Maximize Space

But there’s more to it than just placing your desk. Keep reading to learn how each placement choice can meet your needs, leverage Feng Shui principles and tackle common concerns.

1. By the Window for Natural Light

Desk by the window

Positioning your desk by the window leverages natural light, which can boost your mood and productivity throughout the day. This setup not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your workspace but also offers health benefits by reducing eye strain and improving your overall well-being.


  • Enhanced Mood and Energy: Natural light is known to improve mood and energy levels, making you feel more alert and motivated.
  • Reduced Eye Strain: Working in natural light can help reduce eye strain from prolonged screen time.
  • Boost in Creativity: Exposure to natural light has been linked to increased creativity, helping you think outside the box.
  • Energy Savings: Utilizing natural light can reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day, saving on electricity bills.
  • Connection with the Outdoors: A window view can provide a visual break, reducing feelings of confinement and connecting you with the outside world.

Questions to Consider

  • Is the light too direct? Consider the position of the sun throughout the day; you might need shades or curtains to manage glare.
  • How does the view affect your focus? Ensure the outside view is not too distracting but rather offers a restful gaze point during breaks.
  • Will your computer screen face the window? Position your monitor to avoid reflections that could make it hard to see your screen.
  • Is there enough space by the window? Make sure there’s ample room for your desk and chair without obstructing pathways.
  • Can you control the temperature? Being too close to a window can be warmer in summer and cooler in winter; consider how this will affect your comfort.

2. Against the Wall to Save Space

Desk against the wall

Placing your desk against the wall is a smart strategy for maximizing space, especially in smaller bedrooms. This setup not only conserves valuable floor area but also creates a focused work environment that minimizes distractions.


  • Space Efficiency: Ideal for small bedrooms, placing a desk against the wall maximizes the use of limited space.
  • Minimized Distractions: Facing a wall reduces visual distractions, helping you focus better on tasks at hand.
  • Enhanced Privacy: It’s easier to keep sensitive work out of sight from others walking into the room.
  • Decorative Opportunities: The wall above your desk provides space for shelves, inspirational quotes, or a bulletin board to keep notes and reminders.
  • Easy Cable Management: Wires and cables can be more easily hidden or organized against a wall, keeping your workspace tidy.

Questions to Consider

  • Is the wall space adequate for your desk size? Measure the wall area to ensure your desk fits comfortably without cramping other furniture.
  • How will lighting affect your workspace? Consider the need for additional lighting, especially if the wall is far from natural light sources.
  • Can you personalize the wall space? Think about how you might want to decorate or use the wall space above your desk for additional functionality.
  • Will this placement limit room layout options? Ensure placing the desk against the wall doesn’t interfere with the flow of the room or access to other furniture.
  • What is the condition of the wall? Check for any outlets, vents, or other obstructions that might impact the placement or size of your desk.

3. Near or Opposite the Bed for Easy Access

Desk near the bed

Putting your desk close to or facing your bed makes things super handy, especially when you don’t have much room. This way, you can easily switch from work mode to chill mode without moving much. It’s like making the most of your bedroom for both relaxing and getting stuff done.


  • Convenience: You can quickly hop onto your bed for a break or a power nap to refresh yourself.
  • Saves Space: Perfect for small rooms, this setup uses the limited space smartly, blending work and rest areas well.
  • Two-in-One: Your desk can also be where you keep your bedtime books or alarm clock, saving even more space.
  • Looks Nice: A desk that matches your room’s style can make the whole space look better.
  • Flexible: This setup is great for working late or relaxing right after without having to rearrange your room.

Questions To Consider

  • Will your work disturb your sleep patterns? Having your work so close might make it hard to relax and sleep well.
  • Is there enough separation between work and relaxation zones? Try to find ways to make it clear where work ends and relaxation starts.
  • How will you manage clutter? Make sure work related clutter doesn’t take over your sleeping space and disturb your peace.
  • Can the desk serve multiple purposes? If space is limited, consider a desk that can also function as a vanity or storage to maximize utility.
  • What is the best orientation for the desk? Decide whether facing the bed or having your back to it works best for your concentration and comfort.

4. In a Dedicated Corner for Focused Work

Desk near the corner

Opting for a corner desk setup in your bedroom is a smart way which allows you to have special spot just for work, helping to mentally separate professional tasks from personal relaxation within the same room.


  • Clear Work-Life Separation: A corner desk setup helps you separate where you work from where you relax, making it easier to switch off after work.
  • Less Distractions: Being in a corner minimizes distractions from room activities or noise from outside, so you can focus better.
  • Saves Space: Desks fit perfectly into corners, using space that might otherwise go to waste.
  • Customizable Setup: You can set up your corner with shelves or storage exactly how you like it, making your work area work for you.
  • Looks Nice: A neat corner desk can make your room look nicer, giving you a pleasant spot to work in.

Questions to Consider

  • How will lighting affect your work area? Check if the corner gets enough natural and artificial light so you can see your work clearly.
  • Is there enough ventilation? Make sure the corner doesn’t become too hot, especially if it’s away from windows.
  • Can you expand the setup if needed? Consider whether there’s room to grow, should you need more space for equipment or documents.
  • How does the corner placement fit with the rest of the room? Consider how your desk looks with the rest of your room’s style and setup.
  • What ergonomic adjustments will you need? Make sure your desk and chair are comfy and don’t make you slouch or strain.

5. Under a Loft Bed to Maximize Space

Desk under loft bed

Putting your desk under a loft bed is a strategic move if you want to use your bedroom space well. This setup not only frees up valuable floor space, you get a cool, hidden spot for work without taking up extra room.


  • Saves Space: Using the area under your bed for a desk means more room for other stuff, making it great for small bedrooms.
  • Distinct Work Zone: Having a dedicated workspace under the loft bed helps define a clear separation between work and leisure areas.
  • Creative and Personalized Setup: This arrangement allows for creative customization of your work area, making it uniquely yours.
  • Reduced Clutter: With your desk under the bed, your work mess doesn’t spread all over your room.
  • Privacy: Working under your bed feels private, which is nice if you share your room with someone else.

Questions to Consider

  • Is there enough headroom? Make sure you can sit and work under the bed without bumping your head.
  • How will lighting be managed? You might need extra lights so you can see your work clearly, as it can be a bit dark under there.
  • Can the area be easily accessed? Check that you can move in and out of your work spot easily.
  • Will the bed’s movement disturb your work? If the bed moves when someone’s on it, it could bother you. Make sure the bed is sturdy.
  • Can you breathe okay? Make sure air moves well in your work spot so it doesn’t get too hot or stuffy.

Feng Shui Tips for a Desk in Bedroom

Feng Shui Tips for a Desk in Bedroom

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging living spaces for optimal flow of energy, or “chi,” offers valuable insights to help make your desk spot in your bedroom better for work and feeling good.

One fundamental Feng Shui guideline is the positioning of your desk in a “command position.” This means placing the desk in a way that allows you to see the door while seated, without being directly in line with it. This position is believed to provide control over your workspace, inviting positive energy and opportunities.

Another important consideration is the balance between the yin (restful) energies of the bedroom and the yang (active) energies associated with work. Feng Shui advises against placing your desk too close to your bed or facing it directly, as this can blur the lines between rest and productivity.

Lighting also plays a crucial role in Feng Shui. A desk by the window that provides ample natural light can boost your mood and energy levels, aligning with Feng Shui’s principles on the importance of natural elements.

Keep your desk clean and add a plant or a small water feature like this desktop water fountain. A tidy desk helps good energy move around. Plants or water features can make you feel more creative and ready to work.

For those interested in applying Feng Shui to their home office desk, I’ve written a detailed guide titled “How To Organize Your Desk: The Feng Shui Way.”

Is It Bad to Have a Desk in the Bedroom?

Having a desk in the bedroom is not generally bad; it depends on how well you balance work and relaxation spaces. Properly organizing and positioning the desk can enhance productivity without disrupting the room’s primary function as a place for rest.

For instance, using a room divider or a decorative screen can visually and mentally separate the work area from the sleep area.

Creative Desk Alternatives for Small Bedroom

Fitting a desk into a small bedroom can be a creative challenge, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to create a functional and stylish workspace. Here are some creative alternatives:

1. Floating Desks

Floating Desk

Floating desks are mounted directly onto the wall, creating a sleek and space-saving work area without the need for legs.

Benefits: They free up floor space, making cleaning easier and the room more versatile. Ideal for minimalist designs and small spaces.

2. The “Cloffice”

The Cloffice

A “cloffice” combines a closet and an office, transforming a standard closet into a compact and concealed workspace.

Benefits: It’s a creative way to hide your workspace in plain sight, keeping your work area neatly tucked away when not in use. Perfect for those who want to separate work from relaxation areas without sacrificing additional space.

3. Ladder Desks

Ladder Desk

Ladder desks feature a lean-to design with shelves that taper towards the top, resembling a ladder. The desk surface is at the bottom with additional storage above.

Benefits: They offer a stylish, space-efficient solution with extra shelving for books or decorative items, making them ideal for small bedrooms that need vertical storage solutions.

4. Corner Desks

Corner Desk

Designed to fit snugly into the corner of a room, corner desks maximize unused space and often provide more desktop area than traditional desks.

Benefits: They make efficient use of often-overlooked corner spaces, offering ample room for computers, office supplies, and even multiple monitors, all while keeping the room open and airy.

5. Convertible Desks

Convertible Desk

Convertible desks serve multiple functions, transforming from one form of furniture (like a bookshelf or a console table) into a desk.

Benefits: These desks are perfect for those who need a desk but don’t want it to occupy space when not in use. They offer flexibility and functionality, adapting to various needs throughout the day.

6. Fold-Down Desks

Fold Down Desk

Also known as Murphy desks, these are mounted on the wall and can be folded out into a desk when needed, then tucked away after use.

Benefits: Fold-down desks are space savers that offer a temporary workspace without occupying permanent floor space. Ideal for very small bedrooms or multipurpose rooms where space needs to be adaptable.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. For those interested in exploring a range of solutions to utilize small spaces, this article serves as an invaluable resources.

17 Creative and Functional Desk Ideas for Small Spaces

Before You Go…

I hope it has been helpful for you to figure out the best way to set up a desk in your bedroom. But, there’s more you can learn about making your work space at home even better.

If you’re interested in finding more ideas and tips, we have another article that you might like to read. It’s perfect for anyone looking to make their desk more comfortable or stylish.

9 Proven Ways To Improve Your Home Office Desk

Rojal Shrestha

Rojal Shrestha is the principal creator of SimpleWorkNest. He is passionate about helping remote workers and business owners set up home offices.

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